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Bertrand Boutillier - Médecin généraliste remplaçant - RENNES
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Sur les forums : Bertrand B.
° Lun. °
Janv. 09

France : la meilleure médecine du monde ... mais l'une des moins bien rémunérées

Publié le 12/01/09 10:05 - Modifié le 12/01/09 21:17
Tags associés : Europe, Médecine, OCDE, Salaires
Ce n'est pas moi qui le dit, c'est l'OCDE ! (Source)
Médecine générale

Data on the remuneration of GPs for 2004 (or closest year) are available for 12 out of the 14 countries
included in this study.3 The data are presented, first, in a common currency (US dollar, USD) adjusted for
the economy-wide purchasing power parity (PPP), which provides an indication of the economic well-
being of GPs in different countries;[...]

Figure 1. Remuneration of GPs in USD PPP, selected OECD countries, 2004 (or closest year available)


Notes: * indicates that the average remuneration refers only to physicians practising full-time and ** refers to the average
remuneration for all physicians including those working part-time (thereby resulting in an under-estimation). In Austria, Switzerland
and the United States, the data refer to all physicians (both salaried and self-employed), but since most GPs are not salaried in these
countries, they are presented as referring to self-employed physicians. For the United Kingdom, data refer to Great Britain.
Source: OECD Health Data 2007 and for the US, Community Tracking Study Physician Survey, 2004-05

Médecins spécialistes

Figure 5. Remuneration of specialists in USD PPP, selected OECD countries, 2004 (or closest year available)


Note: * indicates that the average remuneration refers only to physicians practising full-time and ** refers to the average remuneration
for all physicians including those working part-time. In Austria, Switzerland and the United States, the data refer to all physicians (both
salaried and self-employed), but since most specialists are not salaried in these two countries, the data are presented as referring to
self-employed physicians. For the United Kingdom, data refer to England.
Source: OECD Health Data 2007 and for the US, Community Tracking Study Physician Survey, 2004-05.
Billet suivant :
Marc L. à poils
1 commentaire
° Mer. °
Janv. 09
A 21:50 par Bertrand Boutillier
"La meilleure médecine du monde", on l'a tellement entendue ... c'est vrai que ça sonne de plus en plus ironique maintenant !
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